More Pre-release Details!

Hot of the tail of my last blog post, we got a slew of new pictures and details about whats coming in the New year. 

The picture at the top of the page was apparently "Leaked" by Games workshop Staffor's Facebook page, and to no ones surprise a Bulletin was released by GW few short hours later with a higher-res image and lots of juicy details.

Starting, as before with the classic Battle Sister squad, this is what we can expect when the full kits get released next year. According to GW, this kit will be able to build the standard Battle Sisters, the Dominion teams or the Celestian squads. Not bad for a single kit, although I suspect it will be mostly down to different heads to distinguish the different squads. 

I like the addition of the Cherubs, the poses are cool and dynamic and it looks like there is going to be more than one banner option for the standard bearer as its very different than the one we've seen in the snap-fit kit.

I especially like the chick pulling the grenade pin out with her teeth, that's pretty bad ass. The squad loadout we see here is much better than the one we get with the starter set too; flamer, heave flamer, combi-flamer. That's my go-to load out for Battle Sisters.

We got a few single model shots of a Battle Sister, a Dominion and a Celestian up close:

We also got to see some of the new characters as well such as the Hospitaler:

I freakin' love this model. I think it might be a little "much" for teh table top, there's really no need for her to be on such a ridiculously huge base, but I suppose that just makes her healing buff even bigger. I don't know what I'd do if I wanted to take two of these guys in a single list, I guess I'd build a second one without the dying Sister on the floor and maybe clip off the doves and parchment bits to make it less...distinct.

*Exultant Fanfare*

Next up we have (without a doubt) GW's most improved model of all time: The Dialogus.
Just look at this amazing, detailed and eye-catching new sculpt, compared to this:
*Sad Trombone*

We also got a great pic of the new Imagifier, complete with enormous marble statue / banner/ thing. That icon must weigh a tonne. I love the pose with her extended free hand and I think the hood covering her eyes is a very nice touch. 

I really like the way they have shown the different ways this new Canonness can be built. We have all the classic load-outs, my favourite of which is the flaming Brazier. I like the hooded head best, but I'm exited by all the options we are getting. The kit-bashing possibilities between all these kits is so exiting! (I've jsut this second spotted the icon on the chest is different on the bottom example as well)

I'll definitely be picking this kit up as I like this Canonness much more than the old lady kit we get with the starter box. 

And finally, the piece de resistance; the model that *everyone* is talking about, The Canonness Superior of The Order of Our Martyred Lady, Junith Eruita.

This model is *peak* Grim-dark. Its got everything that screams 40k; A huge Aquilla, sculpted skeletons wielding 4 heavy flamers, burning torches and a very angry religious zealot. 
Even if I wasn't planning to collect and army of Sisters, I would still buy this model because it is overwhelmingly kick-ass. 

I couldn't be happier with what GW have been showing off these last few days and I'm exited to see if we get any more news tomorrow. 

Fingers crossed. 
