Order of the Glass Rose: - My First Battle.

My friend Charles has kindly agreed to play a low point, friendly match with me this evening to help me learn the rules and figure out what units I'll enjoy using.
We'll be playing 1,100 points (an unusual number I know, but I want to use all the models I currently have) of battle-forged goodness.

Here's the little bit of flavour I messaged him when he said he'd give me a game:

"On the ice planet Chinchilla XII lies an ancient and mysterious relic of Tzeentchian lore. A book containing secrets so secret that anyone who reads it may very well explode into a fireball of pure warp energy. Or turn into a mug of peach iced tea.

For over a century the book has been secreted away in an old eclesiarcal monastery and guarded by a seemingly fail old human woman and the pitiful disciples who live there. You have heard rumours whispered on the winds that for a very brief moment the old woman's guard will be dropped as she inaugurates a new batch of orphaned imperial children to her ridiculous church. Now is the time to strike; retrieve the precious tomb and cull a few more of the cursed Emperor's lackeys at the same time. Two birds with one bolter."

So he put together the following list based around the mission:

HQ: Deamon Prince of Tzeentch - Deamon Axe
HQ: Tzeentch Sorcerer - Terminator Armour, Force Staff
Troops: 5 Nurgle Chaos Marins - Powerfist, Melta
Troops: 5 Tzeentch Chaos Marines - Flamer
Troops: 5 Khorne Chaos Marines - Plasma Pistol, Power Axe
Elites: 5 Unmarked Terminators
Heavy: Slaanesh Vindicator
Heavy: Slaanesh Vindicator
Heavy: Slaanesh Havoks - Heavy Bolter, Lascanon, Missile Launcher, Autocanon

Meanwhile I've put together a list using all the models I currently own, plus one or two proxies that my opponent has very graciously approved of, such as bulking out my 5 Repentia with 4 AOS Witch Aelves, using Inquisitor Karamaov as a Penitent Engine and using an old Vindicator as an Exorcist.

HQ: Celestine + Gemini
HQ: Prioress Agnea Pewts (Canonness) - Brazier of Eternal Flame, Condemnor Boltgun
Troops: 5 Sisters - Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Combi-flamer in a Repressor
Troops: 5 Sisters - Melta, Multimelta, Combi-melta
Troops: 10 Sisters - Storm Bolter, Flamer, Simularum
Elites: 9 Repentia & Mistress in a Rhino
Elites: Dialogus
Fast: 5x Seremphim - 4 Inferno Pistols
Heavy: Exorcist
Heavy: 2 Penitent Engines

"Holy Prioress, it looks as though the blasphemous traitors have taken our bait. It's taken several months of sending Imperial Guardsmen out into the snow, but we believe one of them has been captured as planned and "leaked" the information about our upcoming ceremony. I'm pleased to confirm that when the Heretics arrive we can begin the ritual and let our new recruits prove their worth by hunting and slaughtering a filthy Deamon Prince. Bwahahaha!


Also the party hats have arrived, but we are still waiting on the roasted Kroot legs for the post-purge feast."

The mission will be played on a 4x4 board, standard dawn of war deployment and we will be playing the "Courier" game type to represent each of the factions primary goals.

All being well I'll post a game run down and maybe some pictures here after the game tonight.
Wish me luck. :D


  1. By bolter shell, flamer burst and melta blast, the mutant, the heretic and the traitor alike are cleansed of their sin of existence. So has it been for five millennia, so shall it be unto the end of time. - Words of Devotion, Verses IV-V, Chapter X, Volume LII
    AKA best of luck & let me know how it goes!

    1. Thanks. :D
      I'll have a post-game round up shortly. :)


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