An Introduction

Hello and welcome to my Adepta Sororitas blog.

As I'm sure you know, the new Sisters of Battle set is due to release in a little under 3 weeks and I couldn't be more exited. Little by little we are getting more details about the new miniatures, the new rules and just yesterday we got a full rundown of what the starter box will contain.

This blog will (hopefully) be a monthly rundown of what models I've been painting, what games I have been playing and it will also be used to dump all the fluff and background lore for my army.

Before I get into the details of what I have ready to go for the release, I'd like to talk a little bit about my history with Warhammer and the tabletop hobby in general.

I've been playing constantly for about 10 years after taking a break during my college and university years. I attend a few of the smaller and more causal event / tournaments in the UK every year, but I never do especially well. Competitive gaming isn't really my strong suit.
I started out collecting Tyranids, followed by Blood Angels. Then I played Necrons for a few years until the start of 8th edition where I picked up some Black Templars and a very small Ork army.
During all this time however, what I really wanted was a Sisters of Battle army. Sadly due to lack of money (those old metals were freakin' expensive) and the lack of variation in the model kits, I never picked up more than a few models here and there just to paint for fun.

Then, around a year or so ago, GW announced they were finally going to release a full Sisters of Battle army in plastic, and I've been obsessed ever since. Every GW bulletin, every internet leak and blurry photo -  I have been there, going over it all with radiant positivity. I don't care how well they play on a competitive scale, all I care about is getting my hands on some cute space nuns, painting them up and running some fun narrative games against my friends.

The monthly updates will be their own thing starting in January, but I will try and have a few separate posts up detailing the background lore, character profiles and images of my army. I've already got a little bit of the background noted down, so hopefully it wont be too long until I have a few details for you guys to have a read through.

In the mean time you can catch up with me on twitter at @inquisitorsmug so feel free to drop me a line.
